Mental Health Professionals Need Self-Care, Too

There is no doubt that this ongoing pandemic has taken a toll on all of us,…

The Healing Power of Connections

I often lead Workforce Violence Prevention training in partnership with The…

Women and the Pandemic: A Crisis Within a Crisis

March is Women’s History Month, which celebrates the contributions and…

Zoom Fatigue

Videoconferencing is here—and for many businesses, it’s here to stay. But along…

So Close and Yet …

Do your ever feel like the closer you get to a highly anticipated event, the…

Coping with Vaccination Fear and Frustration

I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in early February and have an…

Is It Spring Yet?

This has been a pretty rough winter—and as I write this, it’s only January.…

Helping Employees Avoid Pandemic-Related Substance Abuse

The pandemic has created a perfect storm for those struggling with substance…

The Year That Shall Not Be Named: 20**

While not an expert on Harry Potter, I have taken the opportunity to borrow a…