(Written by Carol Hill, FEI Crisis Management Associate)

Did you ever go to a summer camp or retreat when you were younger? You may remember how excited you were to go and how you soaked in all the details. You probably made a few new friends. You may remember that, as the days of camp began to dwindle, you tried to hold onto the memories and exchanged addresses and contact information with your cabin mates.

Fast forward to a few months later and summer camp is nothing but a memory. Daily activities have shifted your focus and mindset. Those letters to your cabin mates have lessened or completely stopped.

The same shift in focus can occur with crisis management. Companies and organizations may dedicate a significant amount of time and resources to a successful drill or tabletop exercise; however, after action reports are wrapped up, focus and mindset can shift back to the daily tasks at hand.

To avoid all the hard work and preparation being for naught, it is important to review key details throughout the year. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), emergency action plans should be updated and reviewed regularly. Reviewing and updating all employee contact information, updating and communicating changes to emergency roles and procedures, and documenting any edits or amendments to the emergency action plan are ways to maintain a crisis-centric mindset.

The above practices will allow your organization to combat the summer camp mindset and could result in a more efficient emergency response.