As a leading provider of workforce resilience solutions, FEI has enjoyed a long and mutually beneficial partnership with The Mandt System, allowing us to bring the most advanced de-escalation training to our clients and their communities.

Our partnership was built on a foundation of shared values, including a fundamental and unwavering respect for individual safety, dignity and the importance of solid relationships in every workplace.

As the social enterprise of the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, FEI also values the family as paramount. It is in that light that we are delighted to announce that the training that has made The Mandt System an essential support for organizations will be available to serve families.

Mandt For Families emphasizes the verbal aspects of managing potentially disruptive behavior, maintaining its strong focus on viewing behaviors through a trauma-informed lens. The perspective “Ask what happened, not what’s wrong,” which has served human-serving professionals, will find a ready home in any family, especially those in which challenging behaviors are a possibility. The same philosophy and tactics that inspire individuals within organizations to say, “In this place, with these people, I feel safe,” has now been articulated in a language and format for within the home.

For decades, The Mandt System has emphasized strong, supportive relationships as the foundation for safe and harmonious workplaces. Individuals are continually reminded to “Affirm their feelings and choose their behaviors.™” The result of Mandt System training is not only fewer instances of escalated behaviors, but also a stronger foundation for maintaining and strengthening relationships when escalated behaviors occur.

We expect to have more information about program availability and specifics during the last quarter of 2019. Stay tuned!