As the grass turns green and the temperature in Milwaukee starts to warm up, I am reinvigorated with a sense of hope. Spring always stirs within me a sense of newness—an opportunity for a fresh start.

Warm sunny days and spring blooms create a sense of possibility, growth and hope. That stagnation and hardship can subside into lightness and hope. That bleak nights will give way to brighter days.

Spring exemplifies the resilience of nature. That despite the months of harsh weather, nature moves forward to the next season, just as it always has. The birds will sing. The lilacs will bloom. And trees will leaf out again.

People have that same resiliency. We all have an inherent ability to weather storms, to adapt to change, and to persevere. However, some people can foster their resiliency more readily than others.

For example, some of us are more susceptible to the negative impacts of stress and struggle to manage the whirlwind of emotions that come with adversity. Others, however, have an easier time managing difficult feelings and believe better days are coming, no matter how challenging their situation seems.

Spring in the Midwest typically means a slow increase in temperatures and slow-melting piles of snow. And just when you think the nice weather is here to stay, a random snowstorm brings back the trials of winter. In fact, I see large snowflakes falling outside right now.

We know these setbacks happen with our mental health as well. For example, just when you think you are “in the clear” with your depression or anxiety symptoms, a bad day can trigger old patterns of thinking and coping.

An appointment with an EAP counselor might be exactly what you need to make sure your mental health stays on track during this season of change. A counselor can help you establish your goals, make the most of your strengths, and plan ahead for situations that may test your resiliency and push you to your limits.

Without a doubt, the past year has tested all of us and challenged us in ways we have never been challenged before. Experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and grief is a normal reaction to abnormal circumstances.

It helps to have a support network.

In times of strife, it is hard to be vulnerable and allow others to bear witness to your pain and struggling. Find the courage to share your experiences and emotions with someone else. You will find it therapeutic and it provides relief.

An EAP can help you get  established with a caring professional who can provide guidance during this time of transition.

As I look out my window and see the snow falling. I’m reminded that the unexpected happens, that harsh weather can interrupt the beautiful days of spring.

But I know sunnier days are coming. I know the snow isn’t here to stay. And I know that even on my worst days, help is available. Call your EAP today to learn more about your benefit.