The Year That Shall Not Be Named: 20**

While not an expert on Harry Potter, I have taken the opportunity to borrow a…

Holiday Gift-Giving Alternatives

Ever since the arrival of COVID-19, 2020 has forced us to reconsider our daily…

Pandemic Increases the Need for Couples Counseling

It comes as no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted marital and…

Coping With a Challenging Holiday Season

Even in a typical year, the holidays bring up a range of emotions. For some, it…

Is Your Relationship Impacted by COVID-19?

The pandemic has impacted nearly every area of our lives, including our…

Finding Work-Life Balance When Working Remotely

Many of us have been working from home for some time now. At first, I assumed…

A Message of Hope to Essential Caregivers

September was Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This past Saturday, we…

Be Gentle With Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I really care for this “new normal”…

Our 'Virtual Village': Becoming a Parent During the Pandemic

Becoming a parent for the first time is likely one of the most life-changing…