As a work-life specialist, I’ve been working with callers who tend to feel stressed as they try to figure out child care options for summer. For many, this is an ongoing challenge that started during the pandemic. Many callers are losing sleep or having issues at work and home.

The responsibilities of finding child care can prove overwhelming, which is why I’d like to bring this matter to everyone’s attention. When organizations, managers and employees work together, employees are more likely to overcome these trying experiences.

Benefits that solve problems

So, what can managers and supervisors do to support employees who are experiencing child care challenges?

Various organizations have employee assistance programs, or EAPs, to help employees overcome many of life’s most common challenges. But all too often, employees do not know this benefit is available.

Talk with your human resources department to clarify what benefits your organization offers, and then promote these services to your staff.

Work-life services, which are often included with an EAP, can help employees find nearby child care centers, in-home daycares, nanny agencies, babysitting sites, summer camps, transportation and more.

Managers should regularly refresh their knowledge of their organization’s EAP benefit, and employees should never hesitate to ask questions regarding these services.

For more information on summer child care, please explore the following links.